Interprofessional Federation

of Atmospheric Environment




Welcome to FIMEA


FIMEA, the Interprofesional Federation of Atmospheric Evironement, aims to protect public health by improving air quality, to structure the French air quality industry and to develop it in France and abroad. It brings together small and medium-sized businesses with expertise in air quality, whether inside buildings, in land-use planning or in industrial environments.

Durée : 10 min

Connaissez-vous des personnes impliquées dans l’utilisation de micro-capteurs d’air intérieur (CO2 et autres) pour les établissements scolaires (directeurs d’établissement, agents des collectivités…) de la maternelle au lycée ?  

Nous avons besoin de votre aide pour partager notre questionnaire au maximum. Celui-ci servira à alimenter un baromètre, soutenu par l’ADEME. L’objectif est d’apporter un éclairage sur l’usage des microcapteurs QAI en milieu scolaire avec la parution des résultats fin 2025.

Un grand merci à vous ! 


Air quality in the news

Getting to know us better


Represent companies.

Involve members in a process of exchange and continuous improvement

Inform, explain, provide keys and disseminate best practices


Discover the member companies of FIMEA, who can help you with your regional air quality projects: measurement, training, communication, expertise...


FIMEA carries out its air quality actions in synergy with national and local partners recognized for their expertise: academic, scientific, administrative, political, etc.

Your regional contacts

FIMEA Ile de France

Jean-Gabriel Winkler

06 64 33 20 45

Delphine Brault

06 72 38 63 20


Pascale Corroyer

06 46 81 19 40

Anaïs David-Guyomarc'h

06 13 29 37 38


Bertrand Pitance

06 09 18 66 37

Frederic Hammel

06 76 22 18 85


Bertrand Pitance

06 09 18 66 37


Frederic Hammel

06 76 22 18 85

FIMEA New Aquitaine


06 23 92 24 77



06 74 26 48 49


FIMEA Grand Est

Maxence Mendez

06 61 82 43 50


Laurent Bonniere

06 63 17 43 08

FIMEA Occitanie


06 74 26 48 49



06 70 78 69 60


Maxence Mendez

06 61 82 43 50


Laurent Bonniere

06 63 17 43 08


FIMEA members

Companies, local authorities

FIMEA is a community of air quality experts, but it is also open to all those for whom air quality is an issue.

Whether you're a company, a major corporation or a local authority, FIMEA is a partner who, thanks to its network, can support you in your efforts to take account of air quality in your business.



News and events


FIMEA, Interprofessional Federation of Atmospheric Environment, is dedicated to protecting public health by improving air quality, structuring the French air quality industry and developing it in France and abroad. It brings together more than 50 small and medium-sized businesses with expertise in the fields of air quality, both inside buildings and in land-use and industrial environments.

Meet us at the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales November 21/22/23, 2023 - Paris, Porte de Versailles

FIMEA invites you to discover the air quality industry with twelve companies...

Meet us at Global Industrie at Eurexpo Lyon from March 7 to 10, 2023

FIMEA invites you to discover the air quality industry with 8 companies covering...

Meet us at the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales November 22/23/24 - Paris

FIMEA invites you to discover the air quality industry with twelve companies...

Atmos'fair on September 20/21, 2022 in Lyon

Conference, Debate, Meetings, Exhibition 6 major themes ...

Forum des Eco entreprises Pexe - March 24, 2022

"PEXE and ADEME invite you to take part in the 13th edition of the Forum national des...

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Webinar - March 25, 2022

I'd like to register Background Since the start of the pandemic, the link between air quality...

Meet us at the Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales November 16/17/18 - Paris

FIMEA invites you to come and find out more about the air quality industry at some twenty...

ATMOS'FAIR - November 23/24 - Air & Health: finding the right balance

The ATMOS'FAIR congress will be held on Tuesday, November 23 and Wednesday, November 24, 2021 on the theme Air...

09/14/21: Thematic Day - PNSE4

The PNSE4, entitled "My Environment, My Health", aims to enable each and every one of us to...

09/15/21: Save the date - FIMEA AGM at Ballon de Paris

FIMEA's next Annual General Meeting will take place at 8:30 am on Wednesday September 15 at the...

White paper 

FIMEA and its community of experts offer you a collection of white papers to help you better understand the issues, your responsibilities and the solutions surrounding air quality.

Contact us

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28, rue Saint-Dominique 75007 Paris


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