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This page lists FIMEA events or events in partnership with the Federation. To see all the air quality air quality events, there's a website: AIRCOSYSTEM.FR

FIMEA events

23 & 24/11/21: Atmos'Fair

23 & 24/11/21: Atmos'Fair

The ATMOS'FAIR congress will be held on Tuesday November 23 and Wednesday November 24, 2021 on the theme Air & Health, a balance to be found. These 2 days dedicated to indoor and outdoor air quality will be structured around 7 major pillars: industry,...

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REX: Fimeale on Industrial Emissions 07/11/19

REX: Fimeale on Industrial Emissions 07/11/19

The Fimeale on Industrial Emissions on Thursday November 07 was one of the highlights of the year, especially in the context of the Lubrizole affair. The various players involved in air quality came together for a day of exchange and sharing. A...

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Innovative solutions for a sustainable airport

Innovative solutions for a sustainable airport

During the week of the Paris Air Show at Le Bourget, the PEXE is organizing, with PROAVIA and the Union des Aéroports Français, the "INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR A SUSTAINABLE AIRPORT" meeting. The aim of this meeting is to encourage exchanges between:...

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Ecotech meetings

Ecotech meetings

ARE YOU A START-UP, SME OR ETI? DO YOU HAVE SOLUTIONS TO SUPPORT AREAS IN THEIR ENVIRONMENT / ENERGY CHALLENGES? Come and meet the Ile-de-France regions and public institutions committed to the ecological and energy transition, and...

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International TBB days organized by INNOENERGY

International TBB days organized by INNOENERGY

Our member and partner INNOENERGY is organizing a major international event on energy transition on October 3 and 4. Register now and benefit from a preferential rate! The theme of this annual event will not only be innovation...

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IFSTTAR (Institut français des Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de l'Aménagement et des Réseaux) and its Swedish counterparts (Chalmers University, Linköping University, VTI) are organizing the first Smart Cities & Mobility workshop, with the aim of...

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